
Please explain

Explain why you smile

Levity and joy confuse me

So, please explain

Your eyes are gleaming

Mouth open wide

Cheeks glowing bright

And still, I’m perplexed

I’m told that no reason is needed

That the feeling is natural

To not feel it, to need reason

That puzzles people

Your smile stuns me

My frown irritates you

I see joy the same way you see woe

As an enigma beyond reason

When my quesionts take it all away

The smile, the glow, the gleam

I understand their absence

Far more than the smile I wiped away

You’re the eternal optimist

I’m the stubborn cynic

You live in the present

I’m cemented in the past

I might need therapy

As much as you need a dose of reality

We’ll never see eye to eye

          Not ever

Roses are red…

Ars poetica

The drudgery of life beats down the soul and weakens the heart. The inner self seeks to speak out against such harm through the power of venomous spite or through words of warmth, passion and wonder. For once the inner has spoken, the soul stands again and the heart can beat ever louder


Affecting one’s imagination

A topic of verse and rhyme

It’s over use could be a crime

A constant inspiration


Some call it an obsession

It may as well be viral

Sometimes it causes depression

Taking you down a spiral


Run from it as much as you can

This feeling will surprise you

Infecting you like the flu

Control is its master plan


It is what it wants to be

Its affect on verse is pure

Try as you might, you can’t flee

Simply a virus with no cure