

Men Need Clothes: Women Need to Look Sexy

The long standing black and white gender dichotomy in the American Apparel brand is just astounding. This is a brand that can even turn women’s socks into a sexual item, seriously. None of this stops swarms of hipsters the world over clinging to the brand; by all rights they are embracing the vintage irony and misogyny. 



Wisconsin Department of Justice | “Every Spiral Has Its Start”

The copy here is outstanding, it creates a journey that very much fits with the core message of the campaign. As a plus, it’s always great to see an ad in this category use something other than outright shock.



Virgin mobile dares you not to blink otherwise they will change the video.

“Blinkwashing: like brainwashing, but for your eyes. This trippy infomercial from Virgin Mobile will scan your eyes and seamlessly switch between 25 videos every time you blink.”

Virgin are always willing to take a risk or two (just see previous post about Virgin Air) but really? As trippy and engaging as this is, does it achieve much of anything?



Real Life Instagram

Another random idea that, in the rights hands, could make for a rather effective campaign (for the right brand).