It’s one or the other

It has been suggested that well have a light side and a shadow. The shadow isn’t exact rehash of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, because Mr Hyde is everyone’s unique desire for a wilder, unrestrained nature.

Every teen is at the mercy of their Hyde-in-training – with a flair for Shakespearean melodrama and the potential for the most woeful of inspired prose. All the while they need to contend with a requirement to be a delightful Jekyll so as not to disappoint the few people they may actually respect.

This is an uphill battle for most teens, and absolute Everest for the rest. What do you do when you mature with that Hyde-self talking down to you like David & Margaret after watching Twilight? It would be tolerable if it was occasional, but what if it happened to be almost constant?

Sadistic Mr Hyde ends up filling your hormonal brain with dual desires centred on the one thing – girls, girls, and girls. You seek them out to satiate the base level hormonal urges, after and really do mean a-f-t-e-r you do your best to use them to contradict that persistent inner-critic.

Seriously, try being a hormonal teenage male whose emotional needs actually outweigh physical demands. When you don’t have the looks, and you aren’t a sensitive new age guy, you’re left being an emotionally deficient sad sack the fairer sex shall forever avoid.

With a mind like this, you naturally cling to any vague idea, which gives you a glimmer of hope. So in this case, it starts with a dream. It is not a grand dream that inspires me to strive for greatness. It is a dream that at least on a subconscious level may have driven the choices of a semi-deranged teenager.