Flights of fancy

Come one and all to listen to a tale that is tall as it is wide, of towns full of endless pride, all thanks to the capable advertisers on their side.

Romanticism made real, that’s what these ads are. Someday someone might very well find a way to make boring ole Brisveags look this wondrous.


On a day ending in y, under a clear blue sky, a young man had been walking and walking while in his mind he was talking and talking. Not for a second did he stop, not once did his pace drop. Then he stopped, for out of nowhere his heart had hopped – not from his chest or out of his mouth but over a beat. Of all the back and forth in his mind he was unsure what could have caused such a miraculous feat. He stood there, as still as the air, neither walking or in mind talking. Could it be? Is this really happening to me? Has some girl put my heart and mind in a whirl? Why he asked while under the sun he basked – this was not the revelation for which this jaunt was tasked. When it comes to push and shove, can I put aside all else for something as random as love? With a puzzled look his head shook. Once again he started walking, as his mind again started talking. All this over some girl I’m stalking.




Advertising Agency: DDB, Spain
Chief Creative Officer: José María Roca de Vinyals
Executive Creative Director: Fernando Barbella
Creative Directors: Paco Cabrera, Sergi Perez
Art Director: Daniel Ubach
Copywriter: Anace Moreno
Photographer: Alexis Mire
Business Director: Gorka Lozano
Account Supervisor: Veronica Coz
Published: April 2013